Women's Conference

The theme for the Women's Conference in Detroit last weekend = Reclaiming Our Time.

How Saturnal.

By reclaiming our time, we re-define our boundaries in a powerful way. I didn't make it to the Women's Conference, but I did show up in DC last January for the Women's March.

Today I'm followed up with the three action steps which conference leaders distilled from the fray:

  • Declare that it's an American value to welcome refugees.
  • Join MomsRising in telling Congress to 1. Avoid cuts to Medicaid, Medicare & SNAP 2. Pass the Dream Act 3. Take a healthy and balanced approach to healthcare which is respectful of women's rights. 
  • Pledge to contact congressional representatives about passing a clean DREAM Act and join marchers in DC and other cities November 9. 
You can participate here: TAKE ACTION.