S. 1689

photo by Ted Metz of Peachtree NORML on lobby day at GA Capitol

Courtesy of NORML.org: The bill, S. 1689, would (1) remove marijuana from the US Controlled Substances Act, thereby ending the federal criminalization of cannabis; (2) incentivize states to mitigate existing and ongoing racial disparities in state-level marijuana arrests; (3) expunge federal convictions specific to marijuana possession; (4) allow individuals currently serving time in federal prison for marijuana-related violations to petition the court for re-sentencing; (5) and create a community reinvestment fund to invest in communities most impacted by the failed War on Drugs.

This needed bill was introduced by New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. I sent a letter urging my congress people to please sign in favor of the bill. Others can do the same here: http://norml.org/action-center/item/the-marijuana-justice-act-of-2017-introduced

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