
photo taken by Kelli Lynn from a hill in the cemetery behind Queens' Chapel in Kingston, GA, USA I took a dare tonight, the eve before Halloween, and walked alone to a local cemetery after dark. I had been there about 12 years ago in the light. It was just before I decided to marry my husband. I had watched the movie The Hours for an upper level English class, and for some reason that film left me wanting to release a lot of energy surrounding the relationship I'd just behind left in Athens. I laid down among the graves and wept. My palms pressed into the ground beside me, I gave the Earth all it would take. I wanted to bury a part of me. Tonight, I took that back--transmuted, transformed. Lying down among the unknown confederate dead, beside a memorial to other soldiers native to my town, I asked the Earth to give me back the medicine distilled from my pain. I laid down holding a lit stick of Palo Santo and slipped into the deeply comforting dark. I took several breaths...